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Understanding Vibration (frequency)

by | Dec 9, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The first Concept to understand that will make it easier to have the life you want is to understand your vibration creates your reality. Vibration, Energy,  or frequency  are all  interchangeable  so when you hear these words they are all referring to the same thing. Everything in the Universe is Energy, vibration, frequency  including us. Energy can never be created or destroyed it only changes form. We are a Soul (ENERGY)having a human experience not a human having a Spiritual Experience. Everything in the Universe is frequency that manifests into physical form including our thoughts and emotions.

Everything of material form was once a thought (frequency) which then manifests into physical things. All around us is an Infinite Field of possibilities so when you emit a certain frequency through thoughts and or emotions you attract like frequencies. So when you feel Love you attract Love and if you feel Anxiety or Hate you attract that into your Life. The Universe acts like a mirror in that what you do you get back at you. Same as standing in front of a mirror in your house and everything you do you see from the image in the mirror.  Your emotions are a gift you were given to guide you through life not hinder you. When you have good feeling emotions they are giving you a signal that you are in harmony with your Soul. When you have emotions that don’t feel good they are a signal that you are out of alignment with the Soul. We can create an amazing life if we use our internal guidance system for our benefit.  

 When it comes to our Words,  Thoughts or Emotions there are levels of high to low vibration. Words and Emotion’s  like Enlightenment, Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Ease are high vibrational words. Words and Emotions such as Fear, Hate, Shame, Guilt, Despair, Anger are low vibration. So what you are thinking,  saying and feeling is going out into the Universe and bringing likeness back to you. So you can’t send out High vibration and get back low or send out low and expect high vibrational things back. We are more powerful Beings than we have been taught to believe. Our thoughts and feelings really do matter and make a difference in creating a Great Life experience.

Another thing that people need to understand is that disease and Viruses are also vibration and that vibration is low. So if you are staying in high vibration (Love) and not low vibration  (Fear) then disease or Viruses can’t get to you. You will always get the common cold because that is a recalibration of your immune system. We will never attract another disease or even a flu to us if we remain in high vibration. When you realize you have created everything that exists in your reality by your vibration then you will start to watch what you think, say and feel. When you are Grateful for everything that is in your life because you  realize you allowed it to be there by your thoughts and feelings  and you remain in a state of Gratitude your life will change for the better. When you feel Fear and Anxiety  about anything it will attract exactly what you fear.  We are unlimited creators who need to understand our capabilities of creating exactly what vibration we are emitting. We truly are a product of our frequency. Change your thoughts and you change your reality.


Ryan P

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