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Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

by | May 13, 2021 | Chakra Clearing | 0 comments

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and is located on the forehead, between  the eyebrows. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of  openness and imagination. The third eye chakra is associated with vision and  intuition and is the center of intuition and foresight. It’s responsible for the  perceptions of energy movement and subtle dimensions. The third eye chakra is  associated with psychic abilities, specifically clairaudience and clairvoyance. This  chakra has a strong connection to your insight and wisdom. The third eye chakra  is also known as Ajna in Sanskrit or the brow chakra.  

The colour purple or deep indigo blue is associated with the third eye. It is part of  the brain which can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga, and other  spiritual practices just as a muscle. The third eye is all about connecting to your  intuition, inner vision, and higher consciousness. The third eye frequency is 852  HZ and mantra is AUM which can be used to bring back into balance. The third  eye is also known as the pineal gland which is located deep in the center of the  brain. It is named for its pinecone shape and it secretes melatonin which plays a  role in the body’s internal clock. The pineal gland is known as the ‘seat of the  soul’ that place where we connect to the Universal knowing of all things. The  pineal gland can also alter the behavior of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland  is a gland that protrudes from part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The  hypothalomus is linked to a wide range of hormonal functions including growth  and thyroid function. The third eye chakra of the planet is the only chakra which  can shift locations on earth. 

Now I will go over signs and symptoms of an under and over active third eye  chakra as well as ways to know yours may be blocked. Then I will go over some  different things to open and balance this chakra.

Underactive Third Eye Chakra 

-inability to plan or set goals 

-narrow mindedness 


-poor vision/memory 

-difficulty seeing future 

-lack of imagination 

-feeling overly unconcerned 

-having a hard time remembering dreams -ignoring psychic experiences 

-inability to discern meaning from signs 

Signs Your Third Eye Chakra is Overactive -obsessing over psychic experiences -feeling overly paranoid 

-having a tendency to space out -having difficulty concentrating 

-experiencing frequent nightmares -exploiting psychic abilities 

-unable to identify imagination or reality

-believing everything means something 

-inability to do mundane tasks 

-experiencing a preoccupied mind 

-struggling to function in daily life 

-overplanning for your future 

-setting unrealistic goals 

Signs your third eye is starting to see  

An increasing pressure in your head is the most common symptom of an open  third eye. You will begin to feel a growing pressure between your eyebrows. 


-sensitivity to light 

-gradual changes 

-manifestations of powers 

-seeing beyond the obvious 

-heightened sense of the self 

Signs Your Third Eye is Blocked 

-You have a disconnection from your clear intuition or instincts -Disconnected from other people

-Disconnected from nature 

-Judgmental thoughts 

-sensitivity to light 

-you experience insomnia or sleep imbalances 

-experience depression, anxiety, and feelings of sadness 

-you have underactive imagination 

-feeling disconnected from your dreams world or inability to remember your  dreams 

-your diet is high in processed foods 

-calcification from fluoride and exposure to heavy metals 

-difficulty learning new things 

-unable to see you are part of problem 

-fear of change 


-lack of purpose 


-sleep disorders 





-poor vision 


-eye issues 

-burn out 

-hormone imbalances 

-unable to move forward 

A blocked third eye can wreak havoc on your physical wellbeing. Since this energy  center governs the pituitary gland the neurological function is compromised. As a  result, you may find you are frequently sick, suffer from insomnia or develop high  blood pressure. 

How to Balance Your Third Eye Chakra 

-Meditation – especially with an open third meditation using 852 Hz or 144 Hz. -Yoga – yoga poses where forehead is touching the ground 

-Child’s pose (Balasana)

-Candle gazing (Trataka) 

-Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana) 

-Nadi Shodhana Praayama (Alternate nostril breathing) 

-AUM (Ajna Bija Mantra) 

-Journaling – taking notes or writing when you feel like you are receiving  messages through intuition 

-Mantra – AUM is the mantra associated to this chakra with an emphasis on the  M 


-I open myself to my inner guidance and deepest wisdom 

-I am a Spiritual being having a human experience 

-My imagination is open to all possibilities 

-I know that all is well within my world 

-I envision a world of love, peace and beauty 

-I honor my intuition 

-I see all things with clarity 

-I embrace my inner knowing to awaken my psychic potential


Crystals to meditate or work with to balance the third eye are Amethyst, blue  quartz, charoite, lepidolite, purple fluorite, sodalite, sugilite, lapis lazul, ametrine,  hag stone, kyanite, black obsidian  

Essential Oils 

Sandalwood, myrrh attas cedarwood, ylang ylang, lemon grass, helichrysum,  lavender 

Diet and Herbs 

Broccoli, kale, carrots, green beans, eggplant, plum grapes, blueberries, beets,  prunes, blackberries, black currants, kelp, turmeric, moringa, tamarind, wheat  grass, raw apple cider, iodine, purple cabbage, raisins, figs 

Also, we need sunlight, lots of fresh water, grounding to support your third eye as  well as all chakras. A healing session with me can help to open your third eye  chakra and release trapped emotions from this energy center as well as all others.  Learning to work with your chakras is essential to keeping them in balance. I not  only perform clearing and balancing of the chakras but teach you how you can do  this on your own and incorporate this into daily practices.

Signs Your third eye is in balance 







-good memory 


-able to plan and carry out plans 

-sleep well 

-can recall dreams 

-calm mind 

When our third eye in open we are able to transcend the duality of ‘me verses the  world’ and more into unity with all that is. It allows us to detach illusions and see  beyond physical perception. You will be able to see the deeper meaning of life.  You will be able to ascend above limitations of your mind and release limiting  beliefs and fears. You will realize all things are lessons and death is not the end.  You will be able to embrace and accept change as we evolve. Your life will feel  meaningful and you will feel an increased emotional stability. Your psychic  abilities and intuition will flourish and you will be able to view the world from a  wider perspective. As you balance your third eye and all other chakras your  whole mind, body and spirit connection falls into a harmonious state.

When your third eye is open and balanced it will help you know and understand  all that the other chakras on a deeper level. You will be able to interpret your  intuition to guide you in all areas of your wellbeing with more clarity.  

Remember as always, you are Magnificent!!! 

Ryan P. 

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