For me Spiritual Awakening means that you become aware of the Oneness of all things (LOVE). An understanding that you are Life experiencing itself, not here Living a Life. You realize there is no separation between yourself and anything else in the Universe. We are part of the Whole of all that is, and that One Consciousness that makes up everything. Awakening to me is when you realize you are the Awareness, Nothingness, Stillness, Presents beneath the physical. We were given the physical form to experience Life through us. We are not living a Life we are Life experiencing itself through the physical form. You realize you are not your body, name or any labels that have been given to you by yourself or anyone else.
We realize our Souls are Unique points of attention of that One Consciousness of ALL THAT IS. We are a Soul having a human experience not the other way around. An understanding of your true power as a creator of your reality and not a victim of circumstances emerges from within. An understanding of how we are Vibration ( frequency) first and we are here to experience this One Life and manifest our desires into physical form. You start to see the symmetry between all things and awaken to the knowing you are an intricate part of All That Is.
You understand that you have an Inner and outer Purpose. The Inner Purpose of just BEING is the same for everyone. The Outer Purpose for everyone of us differs at every moment. Everyone’s outer Purpose is Unique to them in all aspects of where and what they want in Life. When you awaken you realize Life is happening for you and not to you. We are all truly Magnificent Beings of Light.