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Solar Plexus (Fire) (Manipura)

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Chakra Clearing | 0 comments

The Third Chakra, solar plexus, is also called the celiac plexus and is a complex system of radiating nerves and ganglia. It is found in the pit of the stomach in front of the aorta, two inches above the navel. It is part of the sympathetic nervous system and plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver and adrenal glands. This is the centre referred to as the power centre (personal power chakra). The earth’s solar plexus is a dual chakra and said to lie at two massive rock
formations called Uluru and Kata Tjuta. The solar plexus has to do with wisdom and processing emotion, acting as a makeshift umbilical cord to the planet and maintaining life all around the world. The solar plexus is associated with psychological and behavioral functions. The solar plexus is associated with the element Fire and has a frequency of 528 Hz and is the colour yellow or golden yellow.

Balanced Solar Plexus
When the solar plexus is in balance a person exudes confidence (without being arrogant), feels self-motivated and has a sense of purpose, self-respect and self- compassion. Also our digestion runs smoothly and our thoughts do not limit our potential. We can trust and act on our gut instinct and rarely leave an emotionally charged conversation feeling sick to our stomachs. A balanced solar plexus chakra allows us to trust that there is a whole world of possibilities for us waiting to be unlocked. An open and balanced solar plexus allows us to open up to the information we are unaware of and the things we don’t even know that we know. Once we open up to this information the sky is the limit. It gives us the courage, will and the confidence to explore the unknown. An open and balanced solar plexus helps us to feel empowered in our lives. With a balanced solar plexus you are responsible and reliable and have healthy self-esteem. You are playful, have a sense of humor, able to make decisions and meet challenges and have spontaneity in your life.

When a solar plexus is out of balance someone may suffer from low self-esteem, have trouble making decisions, and have control issues. They may also suffer from an over inflated ego, have a constant fear of rejection, an unrelenting inner critic and an inability to follow through with goals. Imbalances of the solar plexus can also manifest in the physical body as fatigue, over eating, excessive weight around the stomach and digestive system disorders such as IBS, ulcers, hypoglycemia and diabetes. It can also lead to digestive problems, chronic fatigue, pancreas and gallbladder issues. It can also cause feelings of
unworthiness and feeling physically blocked. With an unbalanced solar plexus one can also have a victim mentality, lack confidence and be attracted to stimulants. If your solar plexus is over active you may be overly aggressive, need to be right,
bossy, power hungry, narrow minded, competitive, conceited, self-centered and hyperactive. The unpleasant states we experience when the solar plexus is blocked are typically rooted early in our lives. The solar plexus chakra forms from age 14 to 21 and as it does we develop an inner critic to protect ourselves. This critical voice becomes loudest when we are at our most vulnerable, on the brink of major growth or expansion. Any emotional wounding we experience as the sacral chakra forms can lay the foundation for even more self- critical thoughts and limiting beliefs about ourselves and our self-worth. Over time these become long standing thought patterns that shut down our ability to imagine what is possible blocking our solar plexus chakra. Now I will go over some things to do to bring the solar plexus back into balance. You can balance this centre by Energy Work which I perform. Wear yellow, spend time in sun, guided meditation, yoga, mantra (RAM). Also close your eyes and imagine a glowing yellow light in your abdomen and watch it grow. You can eat yellow foods such as corn, pineapple, ginger, yellow potatoes, bananas. Some other foods are honey, nuts and spices such as cinnamon and vanilla. There are many more but these are a few foods that help the solar plexus. Burning Manipura incense and essential oils aroma therapy have the power to awaken our sense of personal power. To open the solar plexus burn incense essential oils such as saffron musk, sandalwood, ginger, cinnamon, bergamot,

cassia, clove, coriander, fennel, grapefruit, wintergreen, chamomile, cedar wood and rosemary. Crystals that are good for balancing the solar plexus are amber, golden topaz, sunstone, citrine, yellow calcite, tiger’s eye and yellow tourmaline. Also just being out in nature and sitting by a campfire is good for this centre. Repeating positive affirmations about personal power. By repeating affirmations, either out loud or in our head, and feeling what you are saying will help to reverse negative thought patterns and replace them with constructive ones. -As I take on new challenges I feel calm, confident and powerful
-I feel motivated to pursue my purpose
-I am ambitious and capable
-I forgive myself for past mistakes and I learn from them
-The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations
-I have courage to create positive change in my life
-I stand in my personal power
Also yoga with mindful breathing techniques can help to release tension in the solar plexus. Yoga is a great way to help balance any of your energy centres. These are just some of the things that can be done to help bring this centre back into its natural state of harmony and balance. If you try any of these along with an Energy work session you will back in balance in no time.

As always, you are Magnificent!

Ryan P.

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