Positive Affirmations
I Am

We literally become what we focus our attention on, so why not focus on what you want to be instead of what you don’t want to be. If there are things about yourself that you would like to change then positive affirmations will definitely help. I have used them since the beginning of my transformation and continue to everyday to change the things in myself I don’t like. The biggest thing that I changed was my belief in myself and understanding that I am in control of my own reality. I took a look at myself and everything I wanted to change then created affirmations that would reflect these changes. Change is a good thing as everything around us is in a constant state of change we have to evolve ourselves to keep up. Change can be a scary thing when you don’t realize you are in control of these changes. So why not design the changes you would like to see in yourself. Things are not going to go back to the way they used to be after our global shutdown so this is the perfect time to make changes. We have the power within ourselves to change anything we want, so don’t let anyone convince you of any different. Whether it be a personal trait or a habit we want to break. You may think by affirming something that you are not, you are lying to yourself but this is not the case. The key is affirming who or what you want to be. You are affirming the future by stating it as truth in the present. Everything you want to be in the future is created in the present moment by your thoughts about yourself now.” I AM “are two of the most powerful words in the English language. For whatever follows those words you become. “ I AM” initiates the creation process of who we are. If you can start to feel and see yourself as the future self you want to be it has no choice but to manifest into reality. Say you say I AM Peaceful but you are one who struggles with anger, you are not fooling yourself but stating the new you that you want to be. Close your eyes take some deep breathes and focus on what makes you feel peaceful and really feel that feeling. This can help you to get started on the process. You see yourself in a situation you may have in the past reacted to with anger but now being peaceful. So if that’s what it takes to take it on as your truth then do it. It’s your health and wellbeing you are working on so do whatever it takes as long as it takes. The more you repeat your affirmations and see and feel as if that is you now you will start to notice changes. In most cases the changes will be subtle at first but it’s not a race its a gradual transformation. The next step is to add Gratitude to the process as it’s draws everything to you like a magnet. Be Thankful for who you are and who you want to be will soon start to manifest itself. The changes may start to happen so fast you may even surprise yourself. You can’t just repeat meaningless words into thin air, you have to believe what you are saying for real change to happen. It takes your full intent and believe to make ever lasting changes occur. Here are some I have used to help myself, as well you can design your own to suit the changes you would like to see in yourself. As you may slip from time to time back into old habits don’t beat yourself up. Remember change is a process, 2 steps forward one step back. I continue to work on myself everyday and will until this life journey is over. You never get it done, it is a never ending transformation as your consciousness evolves so do you. As you start to see results and realize you are in control it will get easier and easier.
I am Magnificiant
I am Love
I am Peaceful
I am Joyful
I am Happiness
I am Perfect Health
I am Unlimited
I am Worthy
I am Abundance
I am Thankful
I am Giving
I am Kind
I am Oneness
I am Youthing
I am Benevolent
I am Eternal
I am Light
I am Flexible
I am Focused
I am Faithful
I am Cheerful
I am Certain
I am Content
I am Understanding
I am Gentle
I am Gracious
I am Balanced
I am Harmony
I am Humble
I am Integrity
I am Intelligent
I am Radiant
I am Honest
I am Wise
I am Sincere
I am Grateful
I am Tolerant
I am Reverent
I am Strong
I am Present
I am Masterful
I am Friendly
I am Confident
I am Compassionate
I am Commited
I am Loyal
I am Optimistic
I am Inspired
I am Invincible
I am Gentle
I am Patience
I am Persevering
I am Calm
I am Accepting
I am Clear
I am Capable
I am Aligned
I am Aware
I am Beautiful
I am Allowing
I am Appreciative
I am Complete
I am Courageous
I am Dynamic
I am Generous
I am Enthusiastic
I am Creative
I am Attentive