We were all created to be a unique expression of all that is. If you have ever had the feeling that you are different than everyone else that is because you truly are. We are all unique points of attention that emanate out from that One Source of Consciousness. We are here to express ourselves in our truest form. We are all uniquely special and all have our own truth to express. Most of us are taught from an early age to be like everyone else in one way or another and if we aren’t something is wrong with us. We all have a Unique truth inside of us that is ready to be expressed but we usually get caught up and express ourselves as the labels that we are given by others instead. We are not our name, family, career, race, gender, color, religion, education, sexuality, income or any other label we have been given.
We are an Unlimited Vibrational Love Energy here to express ourselves from the Source of Every possibility into the physical form. It doesn’t matter how you express your true self, as long as you are Authentic and true to yourself. When we Live Life from the Heart our Authentic self shines through. Most of us get caught up with the labels we are given and we live in our heads. When we live in the our heads we get caught up in the EGO (EDGE GOD OUT ) and that is when suffering begins. When the Ego takes over we lose ourselves and Mental and Emotional issues ensue. A lot of us are hiding from ourselves in Fear of what Society will think of us so we fall into addictions of things such as Drugs and Alcohol to try and escape. I know because I was living with addictions and in my head (EGO) for many of years .
When we listen to Media, family, peers or the voice in our heads we begin to think Life is hard and happening to us instead of for us. When you learn to come from the Heart and allow your emotions to guide you in what you want and don’t want your true self emerges. Your good feeling emotions show us what matters to us and who we really are. When we don’t feel good or feel negative emotions, allow that to show you what you don’t like or want. Don’t think that feeling negative emotions is a bad thing, because it is our Gift and a Great way of knowing what is important to us. Whenever you feel your way through Life instead of think your way through your true self emerges from within.
When we use our emotions as a Guidance system and do the things that please ourselves instead of please others we open the door to express our true self. Always remember what is right for one person is not necessarily right for you. We are all on different Paths and levels of awareness of self so you will never be able to please everyone. Their is no One answer fits all for everyone as we are all Unique in our own way. Its only your job to please yourself and Live from your Heart and have Good intentions and allow all others to express themselves as who they are too. If we all learn to live Life from the Heart and feel not think our way through we will have told Peace.
You are Magnificent
Ryan P