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Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Chakra Clearing | 0 comments

The crown shakra or sahasrana chakra in sankrit is known as the bridge to the  cosmos. It is the most spiritual in nature of all seven chakras and has a frequency  of 963 Hz. Located above the crown of the head, it acts as the individual’s centre  of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness and connection to  higher guidance. In a sense, the crown chakra is our highest potential. It governs  interaction and communication with the universe, one’s sense of inspiration and  devotion, union with the higher self and the divine and deeper understanding,  simultaneously, it is responsible for a healthy spiritual life. 

Some people like to think of the crown chakra as a kind of umbilical cord to the  divine. As human beings we are connected to the oneness of all things. Because  of this direct connection it is important that we do not conceptualize ourselves as  being completely separated from the divine. The greater universal force is merely  a larger expansion of the same energy which makes us up too. The crown chakra  allows for the experiences of unity and universal connectedness, as well as the  integration of the whole. It has a masculine energy and is represented by the  colour violet, or sometimes white, while its symbol is a circle with one thousand  petals. Elementally, it is associated with thought and silence and its mantra is “I  know”. The energy of the crown chakra allows you to experience mystical  oneness with everything and everyone. 

Although there is no intellectual knowing at this chakra’s level, there is peace, joy  and happiness. This chakra gives you a sense of knowing that there is a bigger  and deeper meaning in life and that there is an order that governs all of existence.  When it comes to the crown chakra, it is important to go beyond the limits of  your own pride or ego. It is the meeting place between the Universe and your  Soul. It is a place where time and timelessness cross and where death and  external life intersect. The crown chakra gives importance to an attitude of  gratitude for life.

When you truly understand that everything is inter-connected, and that  everything is part of a larger scheme, you will also start living in gratitude, trust  and faith instead of anxiety and fear. You will be guided by a higher power and  you will experience divinity from inside and out. The challenge of the crown  chakra is liberating the spirit and opening to the divine, at the same time staying  firmly rooted to the ground. In essence the crown chakra focuses on being of  service to others, sticking to your values, observing high ethics, being a  humanitarian and being sensitive to the environment. 

The crown chakra is violet which is the colour of your connection with energies of  heaven. Violet is a very spiritual colour and has the shortest wave length. It has  the strongest vibration of the colours in the spectrum of light. Violet gives an  inner sense of oneness and wholeness. With this sense of wholeness comes the  feeling of an ending, the completion of a cycle and the promise of something new.  The colour also signifies rebirth and illumination. It connects with the sadness of  letting go as well as with the happiness of transformation. It is the colour that  gives you a glimpse of other realities which are beyond your physical and material  reality. It is the colour of reconciliation and brings together polarities. In a state  of balance you will feel a connection with other beings, with the earth, with  Source and with all of the Universe. You will discover the seat of your wisdom  and you will acquire knowledge and integrate it with your life. You will simply  know and understand and you will manifest divinity yourself. 

Just as there is a crown chakra in the human body’s chakra system, our planet has  a crown chakra which is located at Mount Kailash, a nearly 22,000 foot tall peak in  tibet. It is regarded as the crown jewel of the himalayas. Nicknamed the roof of  the world, Mount Kailash is considered to be the most sacred mountain in the  entire range.

Tibetans consider the mountain so holy that no one dares offend the divine by  attempting to climb it. Mount Kailash seems to be the perfect location for the  crown chakra because both physically and non-physically, through grandeur and  sacredness, the mountain acts as the earthly embodiment of connection to Spirit.  A balanced crown chakra gives wisdom and self-awareness, allowing one to feel  connected to others as part of the universe. 

Signs of balanced crown: 



-sense of clarity 





-connected to higher power 

-connected to oneself 

-feeling of divine peace 

-sense of inner wisdom 

-able to surrender to a power higher than oneself 

-trust your inner knowing 

-connected to your soul’s purpose

Signs of Imbalanced Crown 


-closed minded 

-disconnected from yourself 

-disconnected from higher power -lack of faith 

-lack of purpose 

-frustrated with life 




-excessive isolation 


-unable to connect with others -critical of other spiritual beliefs 

Signs of Overactive Crown 

-being overly intelligent 

-feeling addicted to spirituality -feeling concerned with humanity often

-criticizing others spirituality 

-feeling overwhelmed by knowledge -judging others spirituality 

-being too trusting in the universe -lacking individual identity 

-having underactive lower chakras -feeling overwhelmed about humanity -feeling confused or overloaded 

Signs of Underactive Crown 

-feeling a sense of separation 

-having trouble trusting the universe -lacking knowledge of purpose 

-experiencing difficulties learning -having overactive lower chakras -feeling confused or lost 

-feeling isolated 

-feeling disconnected from humanity -lacking an open mind 

-having trouble connecting with higher self -inability to empathize with others

-feeling concerned with individuality often 

-experiencing forgetfulness often 

When blocked or out of balance 

If the crown chakra is out of balance or plagued by stuck energy, a range of  emotional cues can act as red flags pointing in the direction of the problem.  Common indicators of trouble with crown chakra include difficulty feeling  connected, spiritual disinterest, as well as boredom, feeling antsy with the  mundane, not feeling connected to one’s purpose or wisdom or desiring complete  isolation. 





-excessive sarcasm 

-narrow mindedness 

Ways to bring your Crown Chakra back into Balance 

Sound – some of the frequencies that are associated with the crown are 480 Hz,  768 Hz, 963 Hz. The mantra to use is AUM.

Colour – Violet/White – you can envision violet or a pillar of white light entering  your crown flowing down through all 7 chakras. Wear the colour violet or have  those colours around your home. 

Healing essential Oils – cedarwood, elemi, galvanum frankincense, gurjum,  helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, neroli, rose, rosewood, sandalwood,  vetiver, spikenard 

Healing Stones – amethyst, white calcite, white topaz, clear quartz, diamond,  herkimer diamond, lepidolite moonstone, purple fluorite, selenite, snow quartz 

Affirmations – here are 10 powerful crown chakra affirmations to help you heal  and balance your 7th chakra 

-I honour the divine within me 

-I am open to new ideas 

-Information I need comes to me easily 

-The world is my teacher 

-I am guided by a higher power and inner wisdom 

-I am worthy of love from divine energy 

-I am letting go of my attachments 

-I live in the present moment 

-I am an extension of the Universe

-I am connected with the wisdom of the universe 

Yoga here are five yoga practices for crown chakra healing 

-Headstand (Sirsasana) 

-Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana) 

-Corpse Pose (Savasana) 

-Intentional Silence (Mauna) 

-selfless service (Seva) 

Visulization – Close your eyes and envision a pillar of Golden white light entering  the top of your head. See this light flow down through all 7 of your chakras going  out through your feet into the earth. Another visualization is shut your eyes and  inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Continue to breath  slowly and evenly. Imagine the lotus petals unfurling with the white colour.  Visualize the bright colour surrounding the crown of your head and slowly  spreading throughout your body. 

Nature – Spend as much time as you can in nature – hiking, swimming or sun,  moon gazing to establish a close connection to Mother Earth. Get as much  sunlight and fresh air as possible to balance us in all aspects. 

Guided Meditation – You can use any number of guided meditations using specific  frequencies and mantras to open and balance the crown chakra. 963 Hz, 768 Hz,  480 Hz and the mantra AUM are very good to use during a crown meditation.

Energy Work – Energy work can be a very good way to help bring your crown  chakra back into balance. My healing sessions include a complete clearing of all  chakras and trapped emotions that restrict the natural flow of energy. When this  energy is restricted we get out of balance making it a lot easier for disease and  illness to manifest. 

Foods – Some foods that are very good in bringing the crown chakra back into  balance include 





-grape juice 





-pink himalayan sea salt 

-purified water

This concludes our look at the 7 main chakras that reside in the human body.  Everything is made up of energy including us. For a well-balanced life we need to  maintain the free flow of energy that allows us to exist. We can do all of these  things on our own when we take the time to understand this system and how it  works. The more you work on these energy centres to allow for a much more  free flow you will notice firsthand how much your health improves. You truly are  in full and total control of your own health. 

As always, remember, you are Magnificent! 

Ryan P. 

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