Most people understand the importance of grounding an electrical circuit in there home for example but have forgotten that they to are electrically charged Beings. Everything in the Universe is Energy ( frequency) including us, so we to must ground ourselves as...
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What you think about expands!!!
Ascension Symptoms
What is Ascension? The Ascension process and the signs and symptoms associated with it are occurring on a Planetary level. Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness which creates a shift in consciousness. When the human...
Connected to Everything
Everything that exists in the Universe is made up of energy. The planets, moons, suns, people, animals, trees, buildings, money etc are all made up of energy. We all have a soul that is part of the Great Central Sun (God) that emanates out into each and every one of...
Claircognizant, Clairvoyance, Clairsentient
Claircognizant meaning you have a clear knowing of things that you can't explain. You know what is going to happen before it happens. Clairvoyance meaing you have a Supernatural ability to see events in the future or beyond normal sensory perception. Clairsentient...
The Shift of Consciousness
Leading up to the 21st century there was a lot of talk about the end of times that was prophesied by the Mayans. In a way it was, but not in the way most people would think. It was the end of an old consciousness on the planet not the end of life. A...
Understanding The Gift Of Emotions!!!
The thing that a lot of people don't understand about emotions is that they were intended to be our greatest gift, unfortunately most people don't use them in this way. Emotions vary on a wide range from highest vibration enlightenment (Love) to the lowest vibration...
Understanding Vibration (frequency)
The first Concept to understand that will make it easier to have the life you want is to understand your vibration creates your reality. Vibration, Energy, or frequency are all interchangeable so when you hear these words they are all referring...
Spiritual Awakening to me
For me Spiritual Awakening means that you become aware of the Oneness of all things (LOVE). An understanding that you are Life experiencing itself, not here Living a Life. You realize there is no separation between yourself and anything else in the Universe. We are...
Living Your Unique Self
We were all created to be a unique expression of all that is. If you have ever had the feeling that you are different than everyone else that is because you truly are. We are all unique points of attention that emanate out from that One Source of Consciousness....