Be open to everything and attached to nothing!
About Me
Ryan Priddle
I grew up in a small town on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada. As a small child I always had a sense there was a lot more going on around us then meets the eye. As I grew up I became conditioned to block out this knowledge and only focus on this physical reality. After high school I was a lost soul jumping from job to job and two attempts at college but always left feeling out of place. It was only recently in 2015 to 2017 that a string of events would lead me to a Path of Self Discovery and Purpose. I was having back spasms and muscle twitches along with a feeling of electrical current running through my body. After an MRI and CAT Scan showed nothing I was left in confusion to what was happening. After overhearing a conversation and doing some research I realized I was having a Kundilini Awakening. When I got a better grasp on what was going on my Spiritual Journey Began. I have studied Reiki, Meditation, Ancient Qigong and other Various Modalities. I have a Great Understanding of our Energy Body and Chakras and how trapped emotions play a huge part in our well being. I understand the connection of Mind, Body and Spirit and how a balance of all three is vital to our health. With the knowledge & wisdom I have gained I feel I can help assist people of all ages.
Favourite Book: Power Of Now by Eckart Toile
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Likes: Meditation, Working Out, Yoga, Hiking, Travelling, Fishing, Spending time with Family and Friends
Favourite Movie: The Matrix
Favourite Song: Come & Go by Juice Wrld
Favourite Band: Glass Animals
Complete Shift Distance Healer
Reiki Master

My Shift In Consciousness
I am telling my story in hopes that it might help others feel at ease in making the shift from the old into the new, help them realize things are not always as they seem. Sometimes what feels like the end is actually the beginning. When some of us start to awaken we start to think we are crazy because we feel and think different than we used to and different than how society tells us we should feel or think. We have grown up in dis-function and are awaking to this.
In 2015 I was working at Vale in Sudbury, Ontario. The day started out like any other day until late morning. All of a sudden I started to feel numbness on my face. It felt like the feeling you get when you get freezing at the dentist only it was one whole side of my face then a short time later it would make its way down my arm, body and leg. It seemed to be primarily on one side so I started to get a little alarmed wondering if it was a stroke. I worked away through my day keeping it to myself. When I got home that day my wife asked me about my day so I told her what I felt. It was still there but not quite as bad as it had been earlier in the day. She tried to convince me to go to the hospital but I refused. Anyone who knows me knows I am a little stubborn at times. She called my mom to come over to urge me to go to the hospital, so after a couple of more hours of refusing I finally decided reluctantly to go around ten o’clock that night. I live in a small town where they don’t have the equipment to deal with this sort of thing so they sent me to Sudbury, a city ninety minutes away, for a MRI and CAT scan on my brain. I cried all the way there as I was scared what they might find, thinking I am too young for this to happen. After both tests were performed the results came back negative for stroke. At first I felt relieved but that soon turned to confusion. If I didn’t have a stroke what was going on. The numbness would continue off and on over the next two years.
A few months after that experience, I was standing at the stove on Saturday morning cooking some eggs for my kids, who were 8 and 3 at the time. I suddenly had a spasm in my back which put me to the ground. My kids both started to cry asking me what had happened. As I lay on the floor I was in excruciating pain and couldn’t move. After about ten minutes I was able to drag myself over and pull myself up on the couch. I laid there about half an hour then called my mom to come and watch the kids. After a short while I was able to walk and move. Again I went to the local hospital but I wasn’t able to get any answers. Over the next two years I would periodically have these spasms and grew to accept the numbness throughout my body.
Fast forward – two years to 2017 and again I was at work when I happened to over-hear a conversation between two co-workers. I heard them talk about energy and vibration and that triggered something in me. I began to search the Internet for some answers. As I began my research I stumbled onto Doctor Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden as well as many others. I also found an interest in spirituality and began on a journey. I had never meditated before and knew very little about it but after listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza and what he had to say about it I decided to order some of his meditations and give it a try. When I heard his story of healing his own back with his mind I knew he was onto something. I also ordered some of his books – The Placebo Effect and Becoming Super Natural. As I started with meditation I was have trouble quieting the mind and was getting a little frustrated. I knew there had to be something to meditation so being stubborn as I am I would not give up until I figured it out. After about a month my thinking started to change. I was feeling, seeing and sensing all kinds of energy. I stated to feel so much love coming through from the universe I didn’t want it to stop. I would meditate every night for 3 to 4 hours after the wife and kids went to bed. Through breathing guidance from Dr. Joe, while in meditation, your live force energy would rise up from the base of your spine follow up through the energy centres rising to pineal gland creating an explosion of energy. This would be like a full body orgasmic experience which would start in the brain going through out my entire body. I would see colours, lights, sacred geometry, start convulsing and feel totally consumed by love of the universe. I would start getting visions of ancient knowledge past lives – it was so amazing. It soon came to me through my experiences that what had happened to me two years earlier was the start of my Kundalini awakening.
I was guided to various Modalities, tools, books, documentaries, videos and found a lot of great material on an App Gaia. One Modality that really helped was Egyptian Postures of Power (Ancient Qigong Sun & Moon postures). They intensified the flow of energy and opened me up more to ancient knowledge.
I also started working with singing bowls, tuning forks, crystals and many other tools. I also started spinning, lots of grounding and pulling the pillar of light through crown. These techniques intensify your frequency (vibration) greatly. I incorporate various techniques into my daily practices. I took this on as a way of life not as a hobby or something I occasionally did. The more I did, the more I was guided as to what to eat and what to stay away from. Some of the things I take every day are the following and they help your health greatly – chaga, wheatgrass, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cacao, ashwagandha root, dandelion root etc. as well as lots of fresh water. It came to me that alcohol was the first thing to go. I had been a heavy drinker for about twenty-five years and decided one day that was the last day. I have not even wanted to drink again or have I even missed it. I also changed what I ate drastically and lost sixty pounds in two months which has remained off.
I can honestly say I have never felt better in my life. I feel like I am twenty years old so when anyone asks that’s what I tell them because you get what you think about. I radically changed my thinking and the way I look at things. I realized that our thoughts create our reality and you get exactly what you concentrate on. You also attract what you fear like a magnet. Some of the best books I have read to transform are The Power of Now, A New Earth, The Celestine Prophecy, Bringers of the Dawn, Untethered Soul, and The Vortex to name a few. Eckhart Tolle who is the author of The Power of Now and The New Earth is one of the most enlightened people on the planet. I have read all of his books and listened to hours of his lectures. He has definitely been one of my biggest influences. Spiritual teachers, Wayne Dwyer, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Abraham Hicks, Ram Das, Neale Donald Walsh, Alan Watts and many more have really inspired me. I try to keep a science and spirituality balance through my transformation as they are one.
I have also gone to a couple of 3-day Science and Spirituality weekends with a friend of mine who was also on his own journey. It felt like home when I went to those weekends because you are surrounded by about 200 like-minded people. The way I felt was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I learned early on in my journey that the energy that was flowing through me was healing directly From Source. I started doing healings on my wife and kids and pains they would have would go away. I knew I had to begin working with this energy to understand it. The more I worked with the energy the more I would feel. I would feel or experience blurred vision, seeing colours, seeing energy, feeling like a snake slithering under my skin, pressures, tingling, ringing in ears, sleeping changes, nightmares, heart palpitations, aches and pains, emotion releases. These are only some of the things I would and still experience since 2015.
I began to talk to a couple of healer friends to understand the energy better. All the programs I watched were from an App I have (Gaia) which is all Science & Spirituality that helps me learn and understand. I began to know my purpose was to heal, teach, guide those who needed it so that became my mission. I took a Reiki course even though I was already healing because I knew people recognized it. I wasn’t sure what healing energy was coming through me until after I took Reiki. I started to see that every conversation or person I met gave me a message as to what is next and everything was falling into place. As I watched life as an observer it all came together and I would see it unfold as a play. Everything came exactly when I needed it. I knew it was time to share my ability and I kept receiving messages about distance healing. I knew in this way I could reach more people and with the times we were going through with Covid it was appropriate. I continued to do hands on healings but knew it was time to expand. Through a couple of synchronicities conversation had taken place between myself and a co-worker. I told him that I was a healer and we talked for a bit. We worked together for while then things happened that put us on different shifts. I continued to ask for guidance from the universe and hone my healing. A couple of months went by and I met up with the same guy from work. He said his wife had MS and she would like a healing. By this time I had worked with a couple of people with great results but was still unsure what my technique was. Through meditation guidance came to me that my unique healing modality was called Complete Shift and to work more on clearing of trapped emotions. Trapped emotions or energy blocks are where these illnesses or pain manifest from. I was being guided to work on clearing these and the physical and mental issues would resolve themselves. So I reached out to Sherry who informed me she had been dealing with MS for forty-five years. I started doing sessions with her and she felt great sensations. I learned that through my healing, if the issues are more emotional, the recipient feels more of a calming, peaceful feeling (almost floating). If the issue is physical you feel more sensations such as pressures, tingling, see colours, energy, and more of a sense of the work going on. With Sherry, because of having MS, she would feel a lot during a session but really noticed great results. After working with her I began to work with her mother, sister and many others. Things really started to come together so I knew it was time for a web site.
I like to go on my exercise bike. I find it gives me inspiration in many ways and it sparks my intuition like meditation does. I have had great ideas pop through while on my bike. This one day while biking I was inspired to search for a web site designer. I had multiple web designers reach out to me within minutes but my intuition was telling me to go local. After 5 or 6 meetings with web designers I decided to go with MyWebsiteGuy, a local person. I didn’t really have anything together but literally everything started to flow to me about the site that night. Two weeks later my site went live.
It has been a magical journey up to this point and I know much more is coming. I have learned to accept what is and to know what you want is coming. The biggest thing is to trust yourself and know the power you have. Once I learned to trust myself and believe what I feel is right everything took off. We have been conditioned for thousands of years to give away our power to something outside ourselves. We have an internal guidance system that is just waiting for us to connect. When you give pure intent to be shown what is your truth you will be shown. We all have our own unique truth to be told what lies within us. I am here as a guide to lead you to the doorway but it is up to you to open it. I will give you the tools you need to start on your own path of self-discovery. Our paths will all vary and the journey never ends but you can discover your own gifts you have to share and learn to take back your power. You are never alone. You have more help around you than you can imagine. Trust the flow and you will not be disappointed.
Remember as always you are Magnificent!!
Ryan P.