Healing Services

Be open to everything and attached to nothing!


How I Can Help

The purpose of this site is to restore balance and harmony of the Mind, Body and Spirit. To have optimal health you need a balance in all three not just one of these areas. My work with various healing techniques and great deal of knowledge in Spirituality allows me to assist you in balancing of Mind, Body and Spirit. One thing that brings all three in alignment is Meditation and breathwork. I have done extensive Meditation and breathwork for years now and can give guidance with these as well. I am also here to answer any questions you may have about Spiritual Awakening, Healing, Energy or any other related topics. After a Complete Shift Healing you will feel relaxed, at peace and re-energized. During a session I also do a clearing of the Enery Centres (Chakras). Energy Healing works on everyone at different levels depending on what is needed most. The Energy goes to the area where you need the healing the most on an Emotional, Physical, Mental or Pyschological level. As a healer, I act as a conduit for the energy to flow through me into the client. The client has to give me acceptance that they would like to receive the energy. It’s the clients openess, accpetance, allowance and beliefs that determines the outcome of this session. The more relaxed, open and allowing the better the results will be.

One of the best things about booking a session with me is you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home and all I need is your full name and willingness to do so.

What should a client do during a session?

It’s best if the person is relaxed, open to receive the energy during a session. With our busy schedules it can be hard to make time to just sit and relax for a session and that is ok. With distance healing you can continue about your day to day tasks receive a healing and get the same results. It’s just if you are able to relax you may feel more sensations and have a better experience.

What a client may feel or experience during a session

During an Energy Session you may or may not feel any of the following depending on belief, openess and allowance. You may feel love, relaxed, peaceful, clarity, pressures, tingling, pins and needles, ringing in ears, numbness, see colours and more.

What a client can expect from a healing session?

A healing session can ease or eliminate stress, anxiety, depression, fear, pain and tension. You may also feel lighter and have more clarity. Energy work allows a person to be in touch with their inner selves and reflect clearly in their lives. Create harmony and restore balance across all systems of Mind, Body and Spirit. An energy session can unlock flow of trapped energy throughout the body. It can also enhance learning, memory and promote mental clarity. Also ease or eliminte physical pain by removing or dispacing blocks in the energy centres. These blocks are caused by trapped emotions which are restricting our natural flow. The blocks can cause mood swings, fear, anger, pain and much more if not removed. Energy work keeps these passageways clear. Energy work is used to remind our bodies how to go back into repair or a self healing state. By triggering this state our bodies begin to cleanse themselves of useless trapped energies and toxins. Also helps prevent exhaustion, burnout and boosts the immune system. Also expect to feel extremely relaxed after a session. This helps our bodies sleep, heal better and to have more clarity. It is not uncommon to fall asleep during a session if in a relaxed position. Energy work will also help elevate mood or attitude towards life. The healing will begin from within and reflect on the outside. Energy work helps balance internal levels to return to a natural state. So expect your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, circulation and other bodily systems to improve. This normal balance will allow your body to heal itself from within. An energy session doesn’t just target one problem in particular but rather targets everything at once. An energy transfer is the most powerful tool in healing in this way as it heals all related elements of a particular condition.

1 Hour Healing Session


What Does it Cost?

Gifts or Fee of your choice is Accepted and Greatly  Appreciated. Helping  others and assisting  them on their  healing  Journey  is what is most important  to me