The fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra and is also called Anahata according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata means “unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten”. Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of
unstruck sound. Anahata is associated with balance, calmness and serenity. The Heart Chakra of the planet is Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England. The Heart Chakra, which is green in colour, element air and frequency of 639 Hz, is located at the heart center. It is where healing takes place. It’s our center of love, connectedness and forgiveness. When the heart chakra is balanced we operate from a place of compassion, love and forgiveness. However, when the heart chakra is out of balance we experience feelings of jealousy, hatred and anger. As a whole planet we have been out of balance for some time but are in the process of realignment. Love is the center of spiritual healing within all of us. Love is the highest vibration of all. When the heart chakra is in balance we feel a free flow of love and compassion. Those who feel hurt from the past live with a blocked heart chakra and come from places of pain, fear and distrust of themselves and others. When your heart chakra is properly aligned and fully open you are a compassionate, giving person and feel loving and calm. This doesn’t mean that you focus all your efforts on others. An aligned heart chakra is also about knowing where to draw boundaries in your emotional life. When in balance you will feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion for those around you and find it easy to forgive. When you feel open, receptive, forgiving, accepting, generous and connected to both yourself and other people you are balanced and healthy. The heart is the spiritual place where all grievances are transmitted and transformed by the power of love. How you behave in the world is a reflection of the state of your heart chakra.
Blocked or Out of Alignment Heart Chakra
When the heart chakra is blocked or misaligned you will struggle to relate to other people. You will be less compassionate than usual and may be impatient with life. You will generally find it harder than usual to trust and you won’t feel at peace. You will feel restless, irritable and disgruntled. A blocked heart chakra can also manifest physically. Misalignment of the heart Chakra can lead to high blood pressure and low immune system function. Every chakra moves out of alignment at times or develops blockages. These blockages can be minor or major but will always lead you to feel physically or emotionally off balance. Blocked heart chakra symptoms include some of the following – restlessness, difficulty trusting others, impatience and irritability, lack of empathy. Some of the physical symptoms associated with a blocked heart chakra can include these – insomnia, increase in blood pressure, shyness, loneliness, depression/anxiety, hard to forgive, hard to feel empathy. It can also lead to heart palpitations, chest pain, poor circulation, heart conditions and difficulty breathing along with other lung issues. Difficult relationships can be a main cause for blocked heart chakra. Not necessarily romantic relationships but also toxic friendships can lead to a blocked heart chakra. You may be dealing with the end of a relationship or an imbalanced relationship where your love doesn’t seem to be reciprocated. Any kind of grief or loss can also lead to a blocked heart Chakra. If you are struggling to accept a truth about yourself, this type of emotional repression can also lead to an
unbalanced heart chakra. Some other causes are experiencing physical or emotional abuse as a child, being raised by an emotionally cold or narcissistic parent, being denied affection and love growing up, adopting unhealthy societal beliefs surrounding love and developing self-destructive habits that block the giving and receiving of love. Some other signs of a blocked heart chakra can be upper back and should problems, arm or wrist pain, over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy and bitterness. Also you feel lifeless, sluggish, reactive, aggressive and easily agitated.
Bringing Back Into Balance
Heart Chakra healing is the practice of opening, cleaning, supporting and strengthening the heart chakra within our bodies. Heart chakra healing involves using a number of holistic remedies to bring the body, mind and spirit into alignment. Such remedies often involve catharsis, aromatherapy, sound healing, movement and colour therapy, meditation, energy work and crystal healing to re-establish harmony within the body mind organism. Here is a list of practices for bringing
the heart chakra back into balance.
When your heart chakra is clear, strong and harmonious you feel open and receptive.
-Go out into nature more (walks, hikes, swimming etc.)
-Meditation (chakra balancing, loving kindness etc.)
-Establish clear personal boundaries (tune into your feelings, make self care priority, seek support, practice self-awareness, etc.)
-Herbs to clear the heart chakra (such as rose, astragalus, holy basil, hawthorn, nettle hops, lavender, rooibos, orange, jasmine, angelica to open and clear the heart chakra
-Hug more (show more love)
-Practice empathy (listening to others, imagine being in others shoes etc)
-Self-love and allow to receive love from others
-Meditate with crystals (jade, malachite, rose quartz, emerald, rhodonite, prehnite, ruby, green fluorite, and chrysocolla)
-Be thankful (show gratitude)
-Shadow work (process of exploring your inner darkness or shadow self, shadow work brings to light all that has been repressed and rejected)
-Cleanse with essential oils such as marjoram, rose, ylang ylang, lavender, neroli, angelica, cypress, jasmine, sandalwood, orange etc.
-Forgive for self and others.
-Eat more of these foods (kiwi, spinach, kale, green apples, pears, chard, lettuce, broccoli, peas, avocados, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, grapes, celery etc.)
-Deep breathing
-Affirmations (I am worthy of love, I am loving myself and others, there is an infinite supply of love, I forgive myself and others etc.)
-Do at least one kind thing every day.
-Laugh Lots
-Hum Yam
-Wear green or pink
These are just some of the things you can do to help bring your heart chakra back into balance. We can all do more of these things to keep our heart chakra in alignment and balanced.
As always, you are Magnificient!!!
Ryan P.