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Sacral Chakra ( Water) (Svadhisthana)

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Chakra Clearing | 0 comments

The second chakra is the sacral chakra (swadisthana) in Sanskrit and has received the nicknames “the sex chakra”, “the social chakra” and “the creation chakra”. This chakra is located about two inches below the belly button in the genital area. It acts as the individual’s centre of pleasure and passion both sensually and creatively.

This chakra governs reproductive systems and processes, sexuality, relationships, emotions and sense of adventure. The sacral chakra is orange and has a frequency of 417 Hz. Sexuality tends to be the first thing that comes to mind at the thought of the sacral chakra but creativity is an often overlooked aspect of it as well. In fact, at its most broad, the sacral chakra simply governs passion and pleasure which manifest themselves in our lives via two avenues. On one side is creativity and zeal for life and on the other side is sensuality in the sense of embracing one’s own natural human sexuality.

The sacral chakra has a feminine energy and is symbolized by a flower and crescent moon. Elementally, the sacral chakra is associated with Water and its mantra is “I Feel”. The chakras of the human body also exist on Earth and the planets sacral chakra is believed to be located at Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia.

First, I will go over some signs of a balanced sacral chakra. Someone with an open and balanced sacral chakra radiates warmth, confidence, generosity, and is playful, desirable, free to express themselves. A balanced sacral creates feelings
of abundance, pleasure, creativity, joy, fulfillment and an overall sense of wellness. The sacral chakra relates to the water element, and like water, the sacral energy controls fluidity, versatility and freedom whether sexual, emotional or creative.

Now I will go over some signs and symptoms of an out of balanced sacral chakra. For the sacral it is the lymphatic and circulatory systems, reproductive organs, bladder, spleen, kidneys and large intestines and stomach problems.


An out of balance sacral can bring feelings of shamefulness, sexual dysfunction, prone to addictions, compulsive behaviours, also an inability to express emotion or desire and a constant fear of betrayal. It may also lead to feel overwhelmed, have feelings of fear, depression, manic emotional instability and loss of creativity.

Physically, an unbalanced sacral chakra can cause reproductive problems such as infertility, impotence, menstrual issues as well as lower back, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and lower back pain, also things such as anemia, hypoglycemia, joint
problems, low energy and premenstrual syndrome. You may also have low confidence, lack of motivation, inability to create intimate connections with others, lack of interest in self-expression or artistic abilities, difficulties giving birth, producing orgasms, and a low libido.

So far we have only gone over two chakras and as you can see if they are out of balance it can throw everything out of whack. Now I will go over things to do or eat to help bring the sacral back into balance.

Foods that are rich in sources of healthy fats are very nourishing for the sacral chakra. Fish, nuts and seeds such as flax, poppy, sesame, hemp, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are extremely therapeutic for this chakra. Some more foods that
target this chakra’s balance are sweet potato, carrots, melons, mangos, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, papayas, butternut squash, fermented foods and orange citrus fruit. Hydrate with pure filtered water infused with orange fruits (clementines,
oranges, tangerines, golden raspberries etc.) As with all chakras drink lots of fresh water.


Here are some more things you can also do to help bring your sacral chakra back into balance. Work with the colour orange through visualization or introducing subtle or bright shades of orange into your life, your office and home , orange clothes or jewellery, doing a chakra balancing meditation and visualizing the colour orange or just quiet time or journaling. Some crystals and essential oils that you can use are tiger’s eye, carnelian crystals, unakite, snowflake, obsidian, orange calcite, red jasper, citrine and sunstone. In general stones with orange, golden or red-orange colour are considered supportive stones for the sacral chakra. Essential oils such as patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot, sandalwood, clary sage, jasmine, orange, rose, neroli, cardamon. Neroli is very good for bringing the sacral back into balance.

Some exercises and movements you can do for the sacral chakra is yoga and dance. Try to get moving with an emphasis on the hips and lower abs, hip opening stretches, and free flowing dance. The sacral chakra is associated with our ability to express emotions and experience pleasure. A lot of our emotions are stored in our hips, therefore, hip opening exercises will be extremely beneficial. Also swimming, walking or just sitting quietly by a pool, lake or sea or running yourself a nice bath with essential oils.

We also have to learn to let go because emotional baggage can really tire us out and weigh us down. Whether it’s writing a journal or talking to close friends it’s amazing how much better and lighter you can feel once you have vocalized or made your issues heard. We have to learn to let go of our repressed emotions. We have to learn how to condition our minds and bodies to a more balanced way of being and here are some positive affirmations to help you. By repeating affirmations we set intentions that break old habits and create new ones. To open sacral chakra, repeat affirmations out loud, in your head or write them down.


-I deserve to experience pleasure and have my needs met
-I feel safe to express my sexual self in fun, creative and healthy ways
-I attract relationships with loving, good people who support me
-I embrace change and make the best of my future
-Every day I experience more joy and satisfaction
-I flow with inspiration and creativity
-My body is vibrant and I am comfortable inside it.

Of course you can come up with your own and create what suits you personally. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to our personal growth. One of the best ways to align not only your sacral chakra but all energy centres is through the energy work that I perform. I help bring you back into a state of harmony and balance and if you try some of the above things you will be in optimal health in no time.

As always you are Magnificent!!!!!
Ryan P.

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